사진을 더 크게 만들어주는 빠른 이미지 확대 도구
몇 초 안에 사진을 확대하여 더 크게 만드는 가장 쉬운 방법입니다. 이미지를 선택하고 새 크기를 입력하기만 하면 됩니다.
이미지를 정확한 픽셀 크기로 확대합니다. 또는 확대 비율을 입력합니다. 즉, 200% 확대하면 이미지가 두 배로 커집니다.
HTML5 canvas 사용하여 사진을 확대합니다. 즉, 이미지가 당사 서버에 업로드되지 않습니다. 100% 안전하고 무료입니다!
very VERY efficient to use, no boring ads, all that annoying stuff there's like a million different tools to use, you can resize images (and you can resize them in bulk!), compressing images, cropping, flipping, rotating, enlarging, you name it!!! not only that, but you can also change the files itself! like from PNG to JPG, PNG to SVG, etc etc. there's even an app for the website itself available on android!!!
I thought it would be difficult to get the photo to the requirements, but this image resizer quickly and efficently got the photo to the needed dimensions and size.
Really elegant interface and streamlined user experience, no annoying popups or paywalls. Gets the job done no matter the size (bulk resize is super nice). Best online image resizing tool, hands down!
Nice app. No adverts that are located on irritating locations. It's an straight forward resizer without fancy things, but for most of the people exactly what you're looking for. Bulk converter very easy to use. Select pictures, put them in the "drop location" and GO! Download the "zip file" and there are your pictures!